Groom Filler (Non-Surgical Penis Filler): What You Need to Know
Recently known as "Groom Filler" among the public, Non-Surgical Penis Filler is an aesthetic surgical procedure applied to correct skin deformations caused by thinning and wear of the skin on the head and upper part of the penis. This procedure aims to enhance sexual confidence and performance by giving the penis a fuller and more youthful appearance.
Groom filler is performed using filler materials such as hyaluronic acid. The filler material is injected under the skin of the penis head and upper part using fine needles. The procedure usually takes 15-30 minutes and does not require anesthesia.
Benefits of Groom Filler:
• It gives the penis a fuller and more youthful appearance.
• It enhances sexual confidence and performance.
• It may help with erection problems.
• It is a quick and easy procedure.
• It does not require anesthesia.
• It is not permanent.
Disadvantages of Groom Filler:
• It is not permanent, and its effects usually last 6-12 months.
• There may be slight pain or bruising during the injection.
• In rare cases, side effects such as infection or allergic reactions may occur.
Groom Filler Prices:
The prices for groom filler vary depending on the amount of filler material used, the location of the clinic, and the doctor's experience. It is important to consult a specialist for more information about groom filler.
Additional Information About Groom Filler:
• Groom filler can also be used for premature ejaculation treatment.
• It can make the penis more sensitive during sexual intercourse.
• Groom filler can also be used to correct skin deformations that occur after circumcision.
Groom Filler is Not Permanent
Groom filler is an aesthetic surgical procedure used to correct skin deformations caused by thinning and wear of the skin on the head and upper part of the penis. This procedure uses filler materials such as hyaluronic acid, and its effects generally last between 6 to 12 months.
The permanence of the filler depends on the type and amount of filler used and the individual’s body. However, groom filler is not a permanent solution. As the filler loses its permanence, the appearance of the penis begins to return to its previous state.
Reasons Why Groom Filler is Not Permanent:
• Metabolized by the body: Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally found in the body and breaks down over time. After being injected, the filler material is gradually absorbed by the body, which causes the effects to diminish.
• Applied to a mobile area: The penis is an area that moves during various activities such as sexual intercourse and urination. These movements can cause the filler material to shift and be metabolized more quickly.
To Extend the Effects of Groom Filler:
• You can have repeated injections as recommended by your doctor.
• You can maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
• You can avoid smoking and alcohol.
• You can protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen.
Permanence of Groom Filler:
• Depends on the type of filler material used.
• Depends on the amount of filler material injected.
• Varies based on the individual's metabolism and lifestyle.
Repetition of Groom Filler:
When the effects of groom filler fade, the procedure can be repeated. The frequency of repetition depends on the individual's preferences and the permanence of the filler material.
Is Groom Filler a Permanent Solution?
Groom filler is not a permanent solution. However, it can be an effective method for temporarily improving the appearance and feel of the penis. If you are looking for a permanent solution, you may consider surgical options such as penile implants.
Before Getting Groom Filler:
Before getting groom filler, it is important to consult with a specialist and assess whether the procedure is suitable for you. Your doctor will provide information about filler material options, the procedure process, and possible side effects.
Is Groom Filler Permanent?
No, groom filler is not a permanent procedure. Its effects typically last between 6 to 12 months. The filler material is gradually absorbed by the body, and the procedure must be repeated.
However, many individuals who receive groom filler are satisfied with the results and choose to maintain their desired appearance with regular repetitions.
Factors Affecting the Longevity of Groom Filler:
• The type of filler material used: Different filler materials have different longevity. Hyaluronic acid fillers usually last 6-12 months, while calcium hydroxyapatite fillers can last up to 12-18 months.
• The amount of filler material injected: More filler material can result in longer-lasting effects.
• The individual's metabolism: Those with faster metabolisms may absorb the filler more quickly, leading to shorter effects.
• Lifestyle: Factors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can cause the filler material to be absorbed more quickly.
Groom Filler in Izmir:
Mavisehir Andrology offers reliable groom filler services in Izmir. Our experienced and specialized team aims to provide the highest level of service to our patients.
Groom filler is an aesthetic surgical procedure applied to correct skin deformations caused by thinning and wear of the skin on the head and upper part of the penis. This procedure aims to enhance sexual confidence and performance by giving the penis a fuller and more youthful appearance.
At Mavisehir Andrology, the Groom Filler Procedure is:
• Performed in a hygienic and modern environment
• Conducted by experienced and specialized doctors
• Carried out with the latest technology fillers
• Performed without anesthesia
• Quick and safe
• Affordable
• Performed with privacy and sensitivity in mind
Groom filler can resolve dissatisfaction and lack of confidence in your sexual life. With the groom filler procedure performed by our specialist doctors at Mavisehir Andrology, you can easily solve this issue and start a new chapter in your sexual life.